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simCNC feature ideas

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>> Jog enable via DigitalIn

>> Will check later on today at my machine. Just to clarify: Does this affect both Jog and MPG oder just Jog (via keyboard AND via buttons on screen)?

There are four independent things here:

1.MPG - the ENABLE button on a handwheel encoder activates the handwheel connected to the CSMIO-MPG module. The ENABLE button supplies 24V DC power to the two multi-position switches of axis selection and pitch.

2. External JOG (buttons on an operator panel or joystick) - This jog can be activated and deactivated using a digital input connected to a monostable or bistable switch.

3. JOG from a keyboard - This jog is activated from the simCNC screen using the "Key Control" check box.

4. JOG from simCNC screen buttons - This jog does not require activation; it is always active.

andre has reacted to this post.
Quote from CS-Lab Support on 13 June 2023, 14:17

>> Axis velocity variable is displayed in a strange numbe format. My idea was to show the currently velocity via a progress bar for each axis.

>> Screenshot shows what I want to achieve. At speed 0, its currently showing a negative fractional number.

It turned out that there was really only one issue and it was fixed in 3.500 Beta 5, which will be released soon.

Thank you for the fast fix. 3.5 beta 5 was available and issue is fixed.
Screenshot for reference.


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  • 2023-06-15-16_42_56-simCNC™.png
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CS-Lab Support
Quote from andre on 11 June 2023, 20:30
  1. Softlimit status makes LED button flicker
    if you put softlimit status as LED status, it flickers badly

I did some further analysis - I/O LED works fine, but if I set the global softlimit disable status to a button LED it flickers.
Here is a short video.

Uploaded files:
  • 2023-06-15-16_56_28-simCNC™.png
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CS-Lab Support

Since the current Z-axis position is 200 and the position to be reached is -150, shouldn't the distance to go be -350?

            -150 – 200 = -350

the numbers perhaps made it more confusing than needed. When i wrote that i was thinking of Z moving an incremental 150 in the negative direction.

if an axis is at absolute coordinate of 200 and is commanded to go to absolute coordinate of -150, then yes, distance to go will start at -350 and tend to zero as the axis approaches the -150 coordinate 

hope that makes sense


Quote from andre on 15 June 2023, 16:49

Thank you for the fast fix. 3.5 beta 5 was available and issue is fixed.

Screenshot for reference.

It looks very tasteful right now.

andre has reacted to this post.

>>I did some further analysis - I/O LED works fine, but if I set the global softlimit disable status to a button LED it flickers.

>>Here is a short video.

Set "LED interval" to a higher value.

Currently, your LED is blinking at 1ms interval, which is far from enough.

Quote from dylan1024 on 15 June 2023, 21:05

the numbers perhaps made it more confusing than needed. When i wrote that i was thinking of Z moving an incremental 150 in the negative direction.

if an axis is at absolute coordinate of 200 and is commanded to go to absolute coordinate of -150, then yes, distance to go will start at -350 and tend to zero as the axis approaches the -150 coordinate 

Now one more question.
Is -150 the gcode line or the soflimits limit for the Z axis?

Now one more question.
Is -150 the gcode line or the soflimits limit for the Z axis?

It is the G-code line

Any time an axis is commanded to move, the DTG should display how much incremental movement is still to be made by that axis to complete that move.


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CS-Lab Support

I added the report to our system. The ticket number is #520 (you can refer to this number when you want to know how the implementation is going). I asked our developers to add "Distance To Go" and "Dystans To Softlimits". These values will be available in the GUI as well as in Python macros.
I also asked the developers to include all axes, not just the Z axis.

andre has reacted to this post.

not sure if I should post here or if there should be a feature request/ suggestion topic.

  • Could it be possible to execute simple arithmetic  in the axis readouts?
    • It is great when setting up a job: edge find one side, set axis to zero, edge find other side of the part and type /2 in the axis readout and now zero is middle of part.
  • The pause button behavior caught me by surprise, I pressed pause and my instinct to resume was to press play (this comes from feed hold and cycle start on commercial controls) but when I pressed play the code wanted to start over and if I pressed pause again, it resumed as I would have expected from pressing the play button. It would be nice if the pause/ feedhold button did only that and if the play/ cycle start button did only that. then there is never any ambiguity.  (maybe i can edit this myself? hints are welcome)

  • when running a very large piece of g code I experienced a long pause at the beginning of the code and again at the end of the code, I understand the code may need to load/ buffer etc, it would be useful to know that is processing/ loading etc. its a bit scary when the machine motion is stopped and you have no way to anticipate when it will move again.

    overall, software and control have been great, i machined my first parts this past weekend without any problems


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